About us

Providing homes and communities where people want to live.

We are Plymouth’s largest social housing landlord with over 16,000 properties providing affordable homes to over 35,000 people in Plymouth – in a nutshell – people are at the heart of everything we do!

Plymouth Community Homes is a high performing housing business and Plymouth’s largest social housing landlord, with over 16,000 properties providing homes for more than 35,000 people. 

As well as offering affordable and social rent properties in Plymouth and the surrounding areas, PCH sells shared ownership homes through its brand SO Living, selling more than 300 properties to date.   

PCH is committed to reducing its carbon footprint with an Environmental Strategy which features objectives to decarbonise all our properties and achieve net-carbon zero across the business by 2050.  

Recently we completed a five-phase 10-year regeneration scheme of North Prospect delivering high quality energy efficient homes in a sustainable community for the future.    

We don’t just own homes we are a commercial landlord with 170 Shops across the City, and we own and manage an Energy Company and a Regeneration Company contributing to the wider offer for our customer.  

We have positive A+ Credit Rating from S&P Global and G1/V2 from the Regulator of Social Housing for Governance and Financial Viability. 

Our tenant satisfaction measures for last financial year include: 

  • 85% satisfied with the overall service from PCH
  • 84% satisfied that their home is well maintained
  • 87% satisfied that PCH keeps them informed about things that matter to them
  • 85% agree that PCH treats them fairly and with respect
  • 75% satisfied that PCH listens to their views and acts upon them 

Our Strategic Business Plan 2023-2028 clearly sets our commitment to affordable housing as we play our part in in providing a high-quality home for everyone, within communities that people want to live.   

During the past year we have seen a new CEO take up post and identified our top five priorities to focus on over the next two years to March 2026. These are:  

Know and listen to customers

What do customers think about our services, how do they use them and what are their aspirations for their home and neighbourhood.  

Deliver outstanding services for residents

Enable tenants to access our services in a way that best meets their needs. Publish clear service standards about what we do and when and use insight from customer surveys and feedback to drive improvements.  

Maintain our homes and buildings

Enhance our stock condition data and introduce a new asset grading model to drive our capital investment programme.  

Grow our stock by at least 10%

Accelerate our development and acquisition programme so we grow our stock numbers by at least 10% over the next two years.  

Value our people

Be an employer of choice in Plymouth and develop our teams so that they have the skills required to deliver our ambitions. 

Our vision, mission and values

Our Strategic Business Plan is built around our mission, vision and values which set out what we want to achieve and how we are going to make it happen.

The plan is broken down into four key themes with 12 priorities which explain how we intend to achieve the mission and vision, underpinned by 36 measurable outcomes from a table of metrics which we’ll use to monitor our performance.

Our mission

A high-quality affordable home for everyone

Our mission is simple – we believe everyone has the right to a clean, comfortable, safe and secure affordable place to live.

We are committed to ensuring our existing homes provide excellent social housing for our residents, with social rents of up to 50% less than the private sector, as well as building more high-quality, affordable homes for rent or shared ownership sale to meet the local need.

Our vision

Providing homes and communities where people want to live

Our vision goes beyond simply delivering good quality social housing – we need to make sure we get the basics right as well, and help improve lives by building safe, strong communities where people can thrive.

We’re focused on providing first-class services to our residents, and listening to their feedback so we can adapt and grow to meet the local need.

Our values

Our values guide how we act as an organisation and provide a code of behaviours for our staff to live by, so we act fairly, honestly and with integrity.

They ensure we behave with care and respect towards our residents, listen to what they tell us, and always strive to do the right thing – for our residents, for the business, and for one another.

Our structure

The PCH Board is well balanced with a mix of independent, resident and Council nominees who have the skills, knowledge and experience to take the organisation forward. The Board has set up Committees and Subsidiary Boards to help govern the organisation.

Audit and Risk Committee

Monitors internal and external audit matters, risk management, fraud prevention and detection, and internal controls. 

Customer Focus Committee

Ensures excellent services are provided by PCH to residents. 

Capital Investment Committee

Oversees the implementation of the PCH Asset Management and Development and Growth strategies including financial, risk and reputational issues.  

Terms of reference

People and Culture Committee

Oversees the Board recruitment and succession plan, and reviews   salaries and pay award proposals. Overview of the People strategy and developing a proactive positive culture.   

Terms of reference

PCH Regeneration Board (subsidiary company)

Supports the delivery of the PCH Development Strategy by generating surpluses from open market sales through joint ventures, direct contracts and other projects.

PCH Energy Board - (subsidiary company)

Supports energy conservation initiatives that benefit PCH tenants, initially through the ownership of photo voltaic panels on PCH properties.